Zen Sesshins
Seek Your True Nature
Zen Sesshins (retreats) are a container for personal growth through mindful practice. They are also the fundamental reason Saranam exists. If you’re looking for a structured environment and thoughtful guidance to help you develop your practice, you’ve come to the right place.
Our sesshins are appropriate for anyone who's interested in meditation and going beyond basic mindfulness to understand what's behind it, around it, and what moves us to seek essential peace. Zen calls this our "true nature."
Interested in attending? Check our our events calendar for upcoming retreats!

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What to Expect
Sesshins include silent meditation (sitting), thought-provoking talks (dharma talks), and one-on-one conversations with Bruce in the dokosan (interview) room.
If sitting on a cushion on the floor for 20 – 25 minutes at a time is too hard on the joints, you’re always welcome to use a chair. We generally sit two or three periods at a time, and each period is followed by walking meditation.
There are some devotional aspects to our practice: chanting sutras, bowing, prostrations, and silence unless there is a real need to speak (usually in the kitchen).
We’re also encouraged to take walks away from the house to talk, aspiring to get beyond chitchat.
Typical Daily Schedule
Meet in the Zendo. Sit/walk two periods
Meet again in the Zendo for a dharma talk
Tea break, more sitting, begin individual sessions with Bruce
Work period and/or siesta
Sit/walk two periods and/or dharma talk
Sit/walk two periods
Lights out - but you’re welcome to enjoy more sitting into the night
Bruce Harris, Teacher